the magic is in the threads
that hold our practice and career building together.
And I love teasing apart the thoughts and beliefs we sew our lives together with! So we did just that...
\nIt all came down to these things
\nFor the career-crisis student who isn't through undergrad but is already starting to get gigs, defining helpful vs. unhelpful, true vs. imaginary thoughts breaks through the paralzying inaction. His pact: a) deliberately seek a supportive environment and b) reach out to local music directors.
\nFor the 2nd year I'm-hating-practice student, setting practice chunks alongside detaching from the outcome helps release the pressure of each practice session needing to be \"epic\". Her pact: using practice tools and games in 25-minute increments. Each 25-mintues, she'll do 3 small sections of playing.
\nWhat pact will you make in your life, career, or practice?
\nMindset March is still going strong, but I hope the work you do this month will carry you through going forward!
\nNext month, we're shifting to another central foundational topic, Portfolio. Yep, April is Portfolio month and as we build out the content now, please send questions and requests my way!
\nHave a great week,
\np.s. We have a wealth of free resources, paid courses and teachers guiding musicians toward a fulfilling career and balanced life in music. What do you need? Hit reply and we'll direct you to the right place!
\nE X P L O R E M O R E
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"Uncertainty is the only certainty there is (and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security).” This quote is from John Allen Paulos, Temple University professor of mathematics and author of A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper, I Think Therefore I Laugh, and Innumeracy, and is apt for the times we are living. But it also resonates with musicians because making music means working with a living art form. Ours is an art of the moment, and we've got to realize that things change...
A whole year of goals can be daunting to tackle. If you answered "unexpected turbulence" in today's IG poll... ...take a breath. 2025 for many of us, and maybe you too, hasn't started out exactly stellar. As we move through the world, doing our work, caring for others, and tending to ourselves, I find I keep asking myself: what's the balance between those things? While I resolved to focus on small ways to support health, taking s-p-a-c-e and allowing little everyday joys, I'm finding that my...
My clarinet professor throws his nicorette gum across the room to the trash can, looks up and admonishes the class not to be too tempted by the beauty of the beaches. "You're in a beautiful place, but stay on track, make sure you are practicing." In his welcome to a new eager studio, the warning is short-lived as we all pile 20 minutes later into a car and head for Santa Monica. Last Tuesday night in LA it was supposed to be just a windstorm. 24 hours later, entire cities are devastated. And...