"Uncertainty is the only certainty there is (and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security).” This quote is from John Allen Paulos, Temple University professor of mathematics and author of A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper, I Think Therefore I Laugh, and Innumeracy, and is apt for the times we are living. But it also resonates with musicians because making music means working with a living art form. Ours is an art of the moment, and we've got to realize that things change...
My clarinet professor throws his nicorette gum across the room to the trash can, looks up and admonishes the class not to be too tempted by the beauty of the beaches. "You're in a beautiful place, but stay on track, make sure you are practicing." In his welcome to a new eager studio, the warning is short-lived as we all pile 20 minutes later into a car and head for Santa Monica. Last Tuesday night in LA it was supposed to be just a windstorm. 24 hours later, entire cities are devastated. And...
Ever considered the question - are you a glass half full or glass half empty type of person? It's a common parable pointing to your tendency toward being an optimist or pessimist in life: people with a positive outlook on life are said to look at the glass as being half full, and those with a negative outlook see the glass as being half empty. How do you see the glass? Half-full! Half-empty. The point is that it’s your perspective, not the facts of life, that determines your reaction to life...