2025.. a year that hasn't gone as planned!

A whole year of goals can be daunting to tackle. If you answered "unexpected turbulence" in today's IG poll...

...take a breath. 2025 for many of us, and maybe you too, hasn't started out exactly stellar. As we move through the world, doing our work, caring for others, and tending to ourselves, I find I keep asking myself: what's the balance between those things?

While I resolved to focus on small ways to support health, taking s-p-a-c-e and allowing little everyday joys, I'm finding that my health and simple joys are inextricably tied to my famly, all of you in my community, my work colleagues, and the world.

I stopped notifications recently from my news apps, in an effort to keep the noise down. It's a conundrum because I DO want to follow the fires, learn about the ceasefire, and see wth Zuckerberg is up to.

How can we do our best, most inspired work and let ourselves be immersed in that whole moment, while making sense of what seems incomprehensible? or so urgently "now"? What do we owe ourselves, and others?

The message to you today is - it's okay not to make sense of things. It's okay not to fully understand and read everything you can get your hands on to understand. It's okay to reach for what your heart loves most. Take comfort that there are good people doing good things, and allow yourself to put your 100% into your art, music, work, family and business.

When I think back (oh so long ago, all of 2 weeks!) on my intentions for 2025, I decided I wanted space. This is the type of "space" that a busy, ambitious, productive me imagined, full of lists and things to get done, places to go, results to see. Now I'm realizing I don't have to address or solve everything. I can sit in a mess, the less-than-ideal version of things, and take the space that feels like *gasp* a waste of time.

As a friend reminded me recently, you're a human being, not a human doing.

If you're nodding and know just what I'm saying, here's a fantastic tool our very own Zoe Shiu created just for you. For today, or a day soon when you might like to reconsider who you are in 2025. Get the free workbook by clicking below!

Sending much love!


& Team 360


Who's Zoe?
E-School (it's not just entrepreneurship)
Ideas for balance outside the practice room


E-School | Young Artist Workshops | Spark Your Career Workbook | Thrive Membership for Musicians | The Portfolio Challenge | The Goal Setting Workshop | The Audition Lab | The Musicians Practice Planner

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